Edinburgh Wedding & Portrait Photographer



Bermuda - Summer 2016

Bermuda is not only my home, but it's also my favourite place to take photos. No matter where you go there are beautiful beaches, houses, or plants to photograph. While I was there, I walked down the streets of Salt Kettle and took pictures of the waterfront and houses. I also went to Coral Beach Club and took pictures from the terrace and beach patio. The waterfront across the street from my house gave me a perfect view of the sunset each night, which I often went out to photograph. One afternoon I drove over to Somerset and walked through the National Museum of Bermuda and around the underground limestone pools that are accessible from the lawns. I went back to Somerset again, and instead of taking pictures, I went parasailing! The view was beautiful and I wish I'd brought my camera up with me. The beaches at Tucker's Point Club and Mid Ocean Club are both scattered with beautifully eroded rocks that make for interesting compositions and good points to climb for photos.

During this time in Bermuda, I discovered these fantastic places to take pictures:

  • The East-facing waterfront of Salt Kettle and Paget parish at sunset
  • The upstairs porch of the National Museum of Bermuda
  • Attached to a parachute sailing around the Great Sound (Make sure to bring a camera strap!)
  • Stairs going down to the limestone pools at Somerset

Some of my all-time favourite places to photograph in Bermuda are:

  • Grape Bay Beach
  • Botanical Gardens
  • Mid Ocean Club
  • Front Street in Hamilton
Lydia Richardson