Edinburgh Wedding & Portrait Photographer



New York City - 5.4.17

This past Wednesday, a large group of art students from my school went on a day trip to New York City to visit the Met and MoMA.

The original plan was to leave early in the morning and visit the Metropolitan Museum first, but due to miscommunications with the bus, we ended up only having time for lunch and taking pictures. Myself and four of my friends who are also photo students went to Three Guys Diner for lunch.

After lunch, we walked into Central Park to take pictures for our upcoming shutter speed assignment. We saw everything from an incredible music group under Bethesda Terrace to a man making bubbles the size of elephants. We witnessed photoshoots of all kinds, whether they were maternity, marriage, or engagement photos. We were only in New York City for a short period of time, but made the most of it by exploring what we could and taking as many pictures as possible.

Can't Miss:

  • Cherry blossom trees in Central Park
  • Bethesda Terrace and Fountain
  • Model sailboats at Conservatory Water
  • Peach Industry a capella singers under Bethesda Terrace
  • Three Guys Diner on Madison Street
Lydia Richardson