Edinburgh Wedding & Portrait Photographer



Montana - 18.6.17

8 of us, made up of family and friends, spent the last week in Whitefish, Montana. The week was packed full with laughs, adventures, bonfires, long drives, and good times. We started off the week by going white water rafting with Montana Raft Company down through the rapids of Flathead River. Throughout the week we drove around the entirety of Glacier National Park, taking in the view of the mountains and lakes. We went on a hike to Avalanche Lake, and after 2 miles of up and down treks, finally arrived at the stunning waterfalls that run down the mountainside. On rainy days we went bowling and explored the town of Whitefish. For breakfast on Friday, we made a trip to Amazing Crepes for yummy crepes that were nothing short of amazing. After a long week of endeavours and staying up much past the 9:30 sunset, we set off for home on Saturday morning.

Lydia Richardson